Wolfgang, Me too. This is because the parameter '\macroI' is evaluated as a number, but the parameter '\\macroI' is in fact really a string - the name of a context macro. context (...) command properly put correctly content of the '\macroI' macro into the ConTeXt, but without knowledge of his contents ... If you write that:
Not possible.
then it's not for me very good news, because I thus probably not my module to process only at the Lua language ... Thanx Jaroslav... Dne 17.7.2011 14:53, Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a):
Am 17.07.2011 um 14:42 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Thanx Wolfgang. But I guess I was wrong to express..
I need to pass parameter '\\macroI' to the function and turn it up a inside luafunction expand to its value.
Not possible.
Ie when \def\macroI{6}
Then I need when I make in your example \ctxlua{test("\\macroI")} get the result : "The argument “6” is a positive number" and not result "The argument “6” is a string."
That’s odd because for me
results in
The argument “6” is a positive number.
The argument “6” is a string.