22 Feb
22 Feb
1:22 p.m.
Am 21.02.2011 um 18:52 schrieb Johannes Kuester:
The Google Docs version -- https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxWgi9nKtBIUNGNmYWM3ZDgtMjUwYy00YjZkLWExZWQtNDY1MDZmMTQ3MGI3&hl=en -- does not look like ConTeXt. But I think this is not the typeset and published version.
The published book is typeset in pdfTeX with ConTeXt MkII, with hz machinery used, resulting in quite nicely balanced lines. Those Google Docs are scanned (watch OCR mistakes!) and use horrible font substitution. Best example: Preface (=Vorwort), page 6, third paragraph, line 7: "den icaipöq (Kairos)" This "icaipöq" was once greek: "καιρός" :o) Steffen