On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
This request was lost in traffic.
On Mon, 9 Nov 2009, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Something is also wrong with getting the width and height of a figure in mkiv. Minimal example:
\starttext \getfiguredimensions[filename] \figurewidth \figureheight \stoptext
To be precise, I get 0sp 0sp as output, rather than the correct dimensions of the figure.
fixed in next beta
The results in MkII and MkIV are inconsistent. Minimal example: \setupexternalfigures[location={local,default}] \starttext \getfiguredimensions[cow] \startlines width: \figurewidth height:\figureheight \stoplines \stoptext In MkII I get, width: 276.03125pt height: 200.75pt In MkIV I get, width: 7592528sp height: 5694396sp which translates to (why doesn't MkIV use pt as units?) width:115.85pt height:86.889pt I don't know if this is a bug in grph-inc.lua or in luatex. Aditya