The main reason I was asking about pdf viewers in the first place is that both Xpdf and Acrobat 5.* (Linux) seem to load pages much more slowly than Acrobat under Windows. Xpdf is just rediculous. And Acrobat is slow with large files like our beloved ConTeXt manuals. I've changed my preference from pdf to ps because GGV is so much better (IMHO) than the available pdf viewers and I hardly ever write interactive documents. Richard Mahoney wrote:
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 09:59:03PM +0000, John Culleton wrote:
On Monday 13 January 2003 08:30, Hans Hagen wrote:
At 01:49 PM 1/13/2003 +0900, you wrote: [btw, is acrobat that bad under linux? runs ok here (vmware+suse on win2k)
Acrobat Reader under Linux is limited to Version 4. On Windows you get Version 5 which has more bells and whistles. But I use ver. 4 all the time.
I'm using the following on a FreeBSD box under Linux `emulation':
acroread-5.06_1 = up-to-date with port
If I recall correctly its much faster than 4*
Richard Mahoney