On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 16:22:10 +0100
Carsten Fechtmann
Dear Wolfgang,
I tried that too already, but unfortunately I run into the same problem: That is, if I use the natural tables in the header, I can't use them for multi-page tables in the text, as again the results ain't pretty, to say the least.
Here the ConTeXt to show what happens in that case (and using your suggestion for the page-head with natural tables)
\setuppagenumbering[location=] \setupheadertexts[\setups{pagehead}][][\setups{pagehead}][] \startsetups[pagehead] \bTABLE[option=stretch,strut=no,offset=.5em] \bTR \bTD[align={right,lohi},width=4cm] left \eTD \bTD[align={middle,lohi},width=6cm] middle \eTD \bTD[align={left,lohi},width=4cm] right \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stopsetups
next solution, framed: \startsetups[pagehead] \setupframed[strut=no,offset=.5em,height=1cm] \dontleavehmode \framed[align={right,lohi},width=\dimexpr(\textwidth/7)*2+\linewidth \relax]{left} \hskip-\linewidth \framed[align={middle,lohi},width=\dimexpr(\textwidth/7)*3\relax] {middle} \hskip-\linewidth \framed[align={left,lohi},width=\dimexpr(\textwidth/7)*2+\linewidth \relax]{right} \stopsetups
\bTABLE[split=repeat,option=stretch,strut=no,offset=.5em] \bTABLEhead[rulethickness=1pt] \bTR \bTH[align={middle,lohi},width=6cm] head \eTH \eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody% %\dorecurse{1}{ % works \dorecurse{10}{ % works NOT \bTR \bTD {\input knuth \par} \eTD \eTR } \eTABLEbody \bTABLEfoot \bTR \bTH footer \eTH \eTR \eTABLEfoot \eTABLE
The thing is, I rather tell the users of this page-layout NOT to use the \starttables ... \stoptables for multi-page tables, but rely on the natural tables for those (which work nicely, even though I _really_ would like to have a dedicated footer for each page here and not just one for the last page! Which by the way is something one doesn't need a dedicated command for, as one could _always_ just place that part at the end of the body part, as that will be then at the end of the table, i.e. the right place, no matter how many pages the table has.) However, given, that \starttables ... \stoptables doesn't give me the correct footer in my case anyway, I rather have one type of table that is quite a bit easier for me and my colleagues to use and adapt for the multi-page tables, i.e. the 'natural' ones, and therefore keep using table in the header.
This is the wishlist from us users since a few years.
But yes, thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately, TABLE seems to rely on the same sort of buffer / storage / whatever mechanism, to do it's multi-page magic....
The mchism works with \vsplit
And that just doesn't work with having the same table-type in the header, too. (This is probably also true in case of the footer...)
Overall, things do work, as long as one does use the other type of table or tables / TABLE in either header or text, but it works NOT when you use the same in both...
Not quite sure, what's the reason for that or (and more importantly) what can be done about it
With best regards Carsten
P.S.: What is interesting is that on the last pages of a multi-page table things do become sorted out again in either case and everything looks more or less as it should (i.e. like in the single-page table)