Thanks, current state of affairs is not bad (maybe even better then not-propagating alternative), but it's always good to have another option, like \setuphead[section][textstyle=WORD, style={\bfa}, align=center, propagate=no] \setuphead[subsection][style={\bf}] :) Another question - I try to make a macro for a "filled in" date. Empty date is ok \def \FillInDate {"\hl[2]"\hl[4]\hskip1mm 20\hl[2]\hskip.5mm} \starttext \FillInDate \stoptext But my printing date "under lines" is a mess. In particular, I want to add a bit more space around numbers, but anything I do, the space is not underlined for some strange reason. In contrary, month and year are glued together, while I want them to be separated by space. \def \FilledDate#1#2#3 {"\underbar{ #1 }"\hskip5mm\underbar{#2}\hskip5mm \underbar{#3}\hskip.5mm} \starttext \FilledDate{06}{05}{2010} \stoptext -- Best Regards, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky