On Thu 29 Sep 2011, luigi scarso wrote:
I 've put \page just to show quickly the effect, but maybe there are still problems
\setuplayout[location=doublesided,width=20pc] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location={margin,header}] \setupfloat[figure][location=inner] \showframe \starttext % An extra page. \page[yes] \dorecurse{40}{ \placefigure[here]{caption}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=30pc]}} \stoptext
Yes, that's pretty bad... in subsequent tests I've found that ‘diluting’ the figures with sufficient text (like adding \page) fixes the problem -- unfortunately mixing [here] and [page] placement (as I need to do in my document) messes it up again. In addition, several of my tests crash ConTeXt with the error ‘Argument of \rootfloatparameter has an extra }’, for example: \setuplayout[location=doublesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location={margin,header}] \setupfloat[figure][location=inner] \showframe \starttext \input knuth \dorecurse{4}{ \placefigure[here]{caption}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=17cm]} \input knuth \placefigure[page]{caption}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=17cm]} \input knuth % \input knuth % uncomment this line to make the file work } \stoptext Again, this works with v2011.02.25 (although figure numbers are mixed up). I think I'll have to give up on this now and revert to the old version, but I'll put a pointer to this thread on the Wiki in case anyone else runs into similar problems. Pont