On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:29:30 +0100
"Bernhard Michael"
Wolfgang, thank you for your answer!
However I suppose that it doesn't completely solve my problem. I think this solution makes a table with two huge cells. I couldn't make horizontal lines after every line and table splitting doesn't seem to work either (I have a lot of requirements).
Is there an other way to solve my problem with tables? I'd really like to automate the process because copy and paste the text is very error prone.
I looked at paragraphs as well but I didn't succeed. I thought inserting the necessary commands in the 'begin' and 'after' property of the textblock would 'generate' me correct ConTeXt code.
There is an other problem: The command \resetRequirement doesn't work. I need to reset the counter because the numbering must be the same like in the chapters before. I tried the code at live.contextgarden.net.
Tanks for your help!
Hi Michael, another way to place the summary at the end of your document. \starttabulate[|p(8cm)|p(1cm)|] \NC\useblocks[Requirement] \NC\useblocks[Priority] \NC\NR \stoptabulate I saw also the problem with the reset of the enumeration in my file but I don't know where the problem is. Wolfgang
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:41:50 +0100 "Bernhard Michael"
wrote: Hi list
After writing some documents in LaTeX I discovered ConTeX. It's a great macro package for TeX. It gives me the flexibility I missed with LaTeX.
However it isn't that easy to start with :-) Especially when some advanced functionality is needed...
I write a document where I have to describe requirements. I want to give these requirements a running number over all chapters and I also need to prioritise them.
My idea is to describe the requirements in several chapter. At the end I want to list all the requirements together with their priority.
I tried the following code but unfortunately it didn't work:
\defineenumeration[Requirement][location=left,text=Req,width=broad,after={\blank[small]}] \defineblock[Requirement,Priority] \setupblock[Requirement][after=] \hideblocks[Priority]
\chapter{Description of requirements}
\beginRequirement \Requirement A requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority A \endPriority Description of the requirement.
\beginRequirement \Requirement An other requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority C \endPriority Description of the requirement.
\chapter{Additional requirements}
\beginRequirement \Requirement An additional requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority B \endPriority Description of the requirement.
\beginRequirement \subRequirement A sub requirement \par \endRequirement \beginPriority C \endPriority Description of the requirement.
\chapter{Summary of requirements} % Here I would like to list all requirements with their priorities in a table % I tried something like this but it didn't work \reset[Requirement] \setupblock[Requirement][before=\HL\VL,after=] \setupblock[Priority][before=\VL,after=\VL\MR \starttable[|l|c|] \useblocks[Requirement,Priority] \stoptable
Is it possible to use text blocks within tables or does an other way exists to do the same thing? It doesnt have to be a table necessarily. I need some sort of compact listing.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Michael,
using natural tables instead of the normal table environment works.
\bTABLE \bTR \bTD\useblocks[Requirement]\eTD \bTD\useblocks[Priority]\eTD \eTR \eTABLE
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