Hi list, With 99% of work complete on a book, including single page images, I now find myself confronted with a final problem: how to run one image across facing pages or in other words, one image (plus its caption) across a two-page spread, such that there is no gap. I have tried a number of fairly crass attempts (obviously too simple) to see if I could get somewhere near what I want, e.g. \externalfigure[plate12.jpg][width=\paperwidth, height=.7\paperheight, frame=none] {\tfx \sc Plates 12, 13. \tfx Twenty trucks from the Netherlands setting off} \externalfigure[plate13.jpg][width=\paperwidth, height=.7\paperheight, frame=none] {\tfx for their first mission amongst the German diaspora.} My thinking here was that \paperwidth might help extend the image to the inner edge on the left-hand page, but it doesn't work that way for the right-hand page, since there it extends to the outer edge, not the inner edge! The .7\paperheight was to provide room for the caption. But all in all, this is no solution! If it is any help, the setup dimensions for the book are US Digest: \definepapersize [ACN][width=5.5in,height=8.5in] % w140mm x h216mm I then looked up how one might do it in LaTeX, and found the following link: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/23860/how-to-include-a-picture-over-... How much of that would be transferable to ConTeXt? (I am thinking particularly of the |\newcommand*{\twopagepicture}[4]| bit. There are explanations for how to do this in InDesign, and since it is something someone might often want to do (e.g. in magazines), I also thought it might be easier to find reference to it on Contextgarden, yet haven't found anything there. But I am sure ConTeXt has a way to do this. Could someone point me in the right direction with this please? Julian ||