Hans Hagen wrote:
Attached is an xml file that describes the hyphenation pattern files. I'd appreciate checking (some records are incomplete). I'd also like to add (for each language) a couple of tricky hyphenatable words [for testing]. Preferable in utf-8 encoding. There is room for more comments as well, like: prefered input and font encodings etc.
Leon "Zlajpah should probably be changed to Leon \v{Z}lajpah (or Žlajpah if in Unicode) (I suppose the information by itself is correct.) (There's a comment "Use of code page 852 in patterns", which probably remained from the "old good DOS times".) Default encoding? 98% use cp1250, some Linux people use latin2. (well, maybe there are still freaks somewhere on this planet using cp852 :) UTF 8 should be(come) standard, but it is coming pretty slowly. But writing UTF8 as the default encoding in ConTeXt should be OK. How can I try it (hyphenation)? I did \enableregime[utf] \mainlanguage[sl] \starttext Železničar \showhyphens{Železničar} \showhyphens{zeleznicar} \showhyphens{mojca pokrajculja} \stoptext It should be že-le-zni-čar (ze-le-zni-car) and moj-ca po-kraj-cu-lja (in latex "mojca" is hyphenated wrong anyway), but in ConTeXt the first two don't get hyphenated at all and the second one becomes mo-j-ca pokra-jcul-ja. I guess the Slovenian patterns are not loaded at all. One more question about language specific issues: we always write 1. first section 2. second section 2.1. subsection 2.2. some other subsection 2.2.1. some subsubsection (with a dot before the space after every (sub)section). What is the best place to store the default settings to? (For all the other Slovenian users as well.) Thank you, Mojca