Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Tim 't Hart wrote: TtH> Jin-Hwan Cho wrote:
My suggestion for supporting CJK characters in ConTeXt is to write a new module using e-Omega. Even though e-Omega does not produce PDF format directly, there are not much problem with DVIPDFMx.
TtH> When I first tried to use Japanese with ConTeXt, I first looked at TtH> e-Omega. The reason I gave up and tried to adapt the Chinese module TtH> was that e-Omega was unstable on my machine. Version 1.23 crashed TtH> immediately (got stuck in a loop producing [] characters). I tried TtH> 1.15 because I heard that was more stable. I got some Japanese TtH> output with this version, but when I tried creating more than a TtH> paragraph, it locked as well. But this was all a few months ago. TtH> Does anybody know if things with e-Omega have improved recently? I happen to be in the e-Omega task force, so I'm extremely interested in any bug report you may have on it. For the moment, let's stick to the 1.15 version, which is the official version. First of all, which TeX distribution are you using, and what does the e-Omega banner say? I know there are people using e-Omega for production use, so you might want to see if there is an upgrade available for your distribution. Secondly, do you have a test file I could give a look at? If it needs any nonstandard extra files/fonts/metrics/packages, please give me pointers to these as well. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta