Am 05.10.2014 um 14:06 schrieb Jeong Dal
Dear Wolfgang,
I am using animation feature frequently for the class materials. It is very convenient to use \startanimation … \stopaimation. It reduces many steps which I have to define. Thank you for a nice module.
I’d like to ask you to add caption feature like \startcombination.
When I show the figures one by one, it is better to put a caption sometimes. If you think that it is not too bad, would you please concern to add the feature?
You can use the pairedbox mechanism to add a caption to each frame. \usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start] \definepairedbox[animationtext][location=top,align=middle] \starttext \startanimation {\placeanimationtext{The letter a}{\ttd A}} {\placeanimationtext{The letter b}{\ttd B}} {\placeanimationtext{The letter c}{\ttd C}} {\placeanimationtext{The letter d}{\ttd D}} \stopanimation \stoptext BTW: Start a new thread when you have a separate question next time. Wolfgang