25 Jun
25 Jun
4:03 p.m.
Can someone explain why the "element-of" is not printed when directly put into the source, but only if introduced through TeX-math? The input file is in UTF-8 and in the texteditor the character does appear. Example: \setuppapersize[A6][A6] \starttext \start \setupbodyfont[lucidaot] Requested font = lucidaot:\crlf tex math = "$\in$"\crlf directly = "∈" (U+2208, UTF-8 = E2 8888) \par \stop \start \setupbodyfont[lmodern] Requested font = lmodern:\crlf tex math = "$\in$"\crlf directly = "∈" (U+2208, UTF-8 = E2 8888) \par \stop \stoptext \showbodyfont \stoptext Hans van der Meer