Dnia 2012-11-22, o godz. 13:26:52
Mojca Miklavec
On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
le) in order to typeset a (nice) TABLE. However, I have a few columns I'd like to omit. I can (of course) hand-edit the csv file; but is there a way to do it automatically? Something like
I did [empty=yes,width=0pt] in place of [kill], and it worked, but it seems like a hack (and I don't know whether it does actually process the cells I'm omitting - which in my case wouldn't bother me, but might be an additional layer of inelegance;)). And better ideas?
If you have up to 9 columns, you could use
\def\ProcessingLine#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \bTR\bTD#1\eTD\bTD#2\eTD\bTD#6\eTD\bTD#7\eTD}
and then [command=\ProcessingLine]
Well, something like 20 columns (on A4 landscape). ;) It turns out that my method somehow doesn't work well without setting also height=0pt; then it's fine, but I'm still wondering about a cleaner way.
Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University