On 03/01/2012 10:49 AM, Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Thanx Thomas Thank you dealt with my problem. Maybe I'm the first to met this bug (if a mistake is it). Regarding the use of buffers: I'll have to remake it, because everything I have in principle based just on buffers. If I could not give a citation link to figure caption then would be a huge problem. I'd probably have to deal manually finding bibliography items and direct write its numbers into captions to square brackets (ie without cite referencing). Although I do not think, it could cause this problem. He is occurs even if the citation not appears in caption of figure.
For me it is now very unfortunate that the thesis supervisor requires strict order of bibliography as I wrote. I'll try to wait for a possible correction, or try about hundred bibliographic items rearrange "manually" so that it will by his requirement. Once again, many thanks. With greetings Jaroslav
Yes, it looks like nobody put \cite into captions before you, but I can imagine that this is a fairly normal requirement in the sciences. So this should in fact work, and you shouldn't have to do this manually, this is a bug and should be fixed. The question is a bit how urgently you need it. The bibliography mkiv code is something that only Hans can touch, so the fix will come, but it will probably take him some time. Best wishes Thomas