----- Original Message -----
From: ""H. Özoguz""
context --synctex "%bm"
@Hans, Luigi:
The above does not work here, but I have found a working solution, one needs "--script"
--script context --synctex %bm
I have still problems with synctex, I do not know how to switch easiliy between the pdf and the code with SUMATRA pdf, but that is not a big issue.
I use TeXniCenter for context, Tex, Latex, Latex with Asymptote on Windows withour problems. I use the following settings: (La)Tex Path to the (LA)Tex compiler c:\texlive\2012\bin\win32\context.exe Command line argumnets to pass to the compiler %bm Viewer C:\PROGRAM FILES\ADOBE\READER 9.0\READER\ACRORD32.EXE Succes! Wim W. Wilhelm