Thanks for your quick response. --Stefan
At 17:13 04/02/2004, you wrote:
Hi all!
Does ConTeXt allow to create links with custom actions? I have a working LaTeX / PDF-TeX solution which I am not able to port to ConTeXt. The following PDF-TeX code contained in a LaTeX file produces the desired PDF-Code.
\\pdfstartlink attr{/Border [ 0 0 0 ]} user{/Subtype/Link/A << /S /AVDP_Action /AVDP_Param (../../nach-dateipfad.pdf 1)>>} here is a link \\pdfendlink
Yet, if I include the same lines of code in a ConTeXt file then no link is generated.
In context we do things a bit different:
You can put this in some local file, the style or in a preamble:
\unprotected \setglobalsystemreference\rt!exec{AVDP}{AVDP}
\def\PDFexecuteAVDP{/AVDP_Action /AVDP_Param (\argumentA)}
After that, you can do things like:
\goto{test}[AVDP{../../nach-dateipfad.pdf 1}]
So, a bit more abstract interface with the advantage of more functionality, as in:
\goto{test}[nextpage,AVDP{../../nach-dateipfad.pdf 1}]