Garulfo schrieb am 25.06.2020 um 21:34:
If I understand, the translation file mult-def.lua provides 5 families for translations: 1- commands 2- constants 3- variables 4- elements (prefix or suffix of commands) like - \completeREGISTER and \completeindex ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ - \startmakeup and \stopmakeup ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 5- setupstrings, to describe the syntaxe and the type of the arguments
1/ I don't understand how to impact, for example, FLOAT and chemical in:
\placeFLOAT becomes \placerFLOAT \startplaceFLOAT becomes \debutplacerFLOAT \placerchemical becomes \placerchemical \startplacerchemical becomes \debutplacerchemical
\placefigure is a combination of the element "place" (\e!place) and the variable "figure" (\v!figure) \startplacefigure is a combination of the elements "start" (\e!start) and "place" (\e!place) and the variable "figure" (\v!figure.)
2/ I don't understand the following
% interface=fr \debuttexte \debutsection[titre=test] This is a test \finsection \codelua{context("Foo Bar 1")} \fintexte \ctxlua? % interface=fr \debuttexte \debutsection[titre=test] This is a test \finsection \debutcodelua context("Foo Bar 2") \fincodelua \fintexte
with: tex error > error not related to input file: tex error > tex: ? tex error > lua: ? tex error > mps: - mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 256
I suppose that some complementary modifications may be required with \start \stop and lua
Delimited command are problematic (especially when they change catcodes), e.g. \startluacode use \stopluacode as hard coded delimiter for the environment. While it is easy to create a synonym for \startluacode this isn't the case for \stopluacode because the environment always look for \stopluacode as stopper and alternative names are ignored. There are ways to work around this (e.g. \startfootnote) but for the english interface they aren't needed in most cases. Wolfgang