On Tue, 2024-05-28 at 17:38 +0200, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
to the frame settings.
Thanks Wolfgang. That does work. But another problem I've found is the font and circle are not automatically resized when used in a formula: \definecolor[colour_text][r=0.754,g=0.516,b=0.324] % RGB 0xc08453 \setupcolors[ state=start, textcolor=colour_text, pagecolormodel=rgb] % gray rgb cmyk auto none % Commands for MetaPost interpreter to draw a circle... \startuseMPgraphic{textcircle} draw fullcircle xscaled OverlayWidth yscaled OverlayWidth withcolor OverlayLineColor; \stopuseMPgraphic % Define an overlay using the above image... \defineoverlay[textcircle][\useMPgraphic{textcircle}] % Define a frame we can use via \textcircled{X} that uses as its background % the above overlay... \defineframed [textcircled] [width=1.4em, height=1.4em, frame=off, background=textcircle, framecolor=colour_text, location=low, offset=none] \starttext Here are the numbers \textcircled{1}, \textcircled{2}, and \textcircled{3}. And when used in formula, \math{\Sigma_{i^b x_{\textcircled{3}}^i}} \stoptext What I was hoping would happen there was the circled 3 in the formula would shrink to look like a subscript for the x variable. Any help appreciated. -- Kip Warner OpenPGP signed/encrypted mail preferred https://www.thevertigo.com