For context, here is the question on TeX.SE: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/129297/define-colour-transparency-in-... I agree with Marco: Are you sure it's a good idea to add another colour definition
mechanism? Then we have
\definecolor \defineglobalcolor \definenamedcolor \definespotcolor \definemultitonecolor \defineprocesscolor That is a little confusing. I can understand a speed requirement, but surely that can be taken into consideration beneath the definition? \definecolor[A][r=1, g=0, b=0] \definecolor[B][A][a=1, t=0.5] That seems fairly reasonable. Also, why not embed colour spaces within the command? \definecolor[A][colorspace=spot] \definecolor[A][colorspace=multitone] \definecolor[A][colorspace=pantone] One command to define a colour, rather than several commands for specific variations of defining colours. Kind regards.