Am 30.01.10 05:29, schrieb Design Department:
I have a single page layout as follows:
* Landscape + letter page * Block of multi-line text (variable number of lines) which occupies the left third of the page * Table with variable number of rows which occupies the right two-thirds of the page
I'm using \framed for the left text block and \placetable for the table. Is their a way to vertically place the table such that one-third of the vertical whitespace (above and below the table) is placed above the table, two-thirds below the table? The number of rows in the table varies enough that a fixed top position looks sub-optimal.
Is it possible to do something similar with the block of text, perhaps using a different top/bottom split for the vertical whitespace?
Are \framed and \placetable the best way to do this?
Is the content for each element short enough to fit on one page or do you have content which needs more pages? Wolfgang