Am 22.04.2020 um 02:44 schrieb jbf
: A simple question, but I have not found an answer to it as yet:
\completecontent does everything it is supposed to, including providing the title 'Contents' on the ToC page, but it also gives me as the first line in the ToC:
Contents 0
In fact the ToC appears on page 1, but regardless of the page it is appearing on, is there a way I can prevent that line from being produced as part of the ToC? I assume it would be something I need to do in the following setup:
\setupcombinedlist [content] [list={chapter,section,title,subject,subsection}] \setuplist[chapter][style=normal,alternative=b, before=]
Grateful for any help with this,
Usually the unnnumbered headers aren’t part of any ToC, but since you include title, you also get the ToC title. (title = unnumbered chapter) If you need chapters without numbers, use \setuphead[chapter][number=no]. If you need some titles to appear in the ToC, you can use \definehead[MyTitle][chapter] etc. You can also replace \completecontent with \MySpecialTitle{Contents} \placecontent[...]. Best, Hraban