Dear Aditya,
Le 15 juin 2020 à 01:45, Aditya Mahajan
a écrit : This is an adapted version of the code that I use for my course where I use the vim module to do the typesetting:
\usemodule[filter] \usemodule[vim]
\definecolor [darkblue] [r=0.1, g=0.11, b=0.84] \definecolor [darkgreen] [g=0.7] \definecolor [lightblue] [h=87cefa] \definecolor [lightgreen] [g=0.95,b=0.8,r=0.8]
\defineframedtext [leftbartext] [ width=local, frame=off, framecolor=darkblue, leftframe=on, rulethickness=1ex, offset=0.25ex, loffset=3ex, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightblue, ]
\definevimtyping [RCODE] [ syntax=r, directory=output, strip=yes, escape=yes, before={\blank[quarterline]\startleftbartext}, after={\stopleftbartext}, ]
\define[1]\ShowOutput {\typeRCODEfile{\externalfilterinputfile} \startleftbartext[framecolor=darkgreen, backgroundcolor=lightgreen] \setupalign[flushleft, verytolerant] % range={1,-1} not currently supported % See below for details \typefile[range={1,-1}]{#1} \stopleftbartext}
\defineexternalfilter [R] [ filtercommand={R CMD BATCH -q --no-timing --save --restore \externalfilterinputfile\space \externalfilteroutputfile}, output=\externalfilterbasefile.out, directory=output, readcommand=\ShowOutput, read=no, cache=yes, purge=yes, % THE COMMA WAS MISSING ]
Some text...
\startR[read=yes] pdf("RPlots/MyHistogram.pdf",5,5) X <- rnorm(200,mean=10,sd=2) hist(X, col = "red3" , xlab="Score QI" , main="", ylab="fréquence") \stopR
Thanks so much for your answer. I had (of course) to install nvim in order the code to work, but this works ! Thanks also for your additional work regarding the locale setting.. this is really deep magic for me. I think the facility to run R code directly from context can open ConTeXt to new users. The alliance between R and LaTeX is a winning combination to a lot of my colleagues. Do you think this would be appropriate to do a simple page on the wiki explaining how R code can be done in ConTeXt, with eventual formatting, with some simple examples, or this is too much noise ? Thanks. Fabrice.