Hi, I run the old code which was fine 3 years ago, but now, it doesn’t work as before. At that time, I had “Example 1.1” inside the frame . Now I got text “Example 1.1” only without frame at all. Would you please tell me what should I change? Thank you for reading. Best regards, Dalyoung %%% minimal example %%% \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[dGreen] [r=0,g=.375,b=.0] \defineenumeration[Example] [command={\inframed[corner=round, background=color, backgroundcolor=darkgreen,height=1.3em]}, text=Example, prefix=yes, prefixsegments=chapter, way=bychapter, number=yes, alternative=left, before={\blank[big]}, after=\blank] \starttext \chapter{first} \startExample This is a test for enumeration. \stopExample \startExample This is a test for enumeration. \stopExample \stoptext
2017. 12. 3. 오후 11:42, Jeong Dal
작성: Dear Pablo,
I also think that it is good to collect styles for math people in the wiki. However, I have no experience to add something to the wiki, so I don’t know how. I may try first and if I can’t, I’ll may ask your help.
I should mention again that these examples are not possible without Wolfgang’s solution.
Thank you.
Best regards,
would it be possible that you add both samples to the wiki?
This is the best way to have a reference for future needs.