I have a doublesided layout. On the right side i place the text, figures (if i have any) go on the left side. the MWE below works quite nice. But if i want the figure to be full height, two pages are skipped. This is becaus the hbox right below of the figure. I think it is placed during the \page[disable] pass. What can I do to avoid this hbox? Thanks Michael \enabletrackers [visualizers.hbox] \useMPlibrary[dum] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \definelayout[odd][width=10cm] \definelayout[even][width=15cm] \newtoks \EvenPage \appendtoks \the\EvenPage \global\EvenPage\emptytoks \page[odd] \to\everyafteroutput \unexpanded\def\Figure#1{% \appendtoks \page[even] #1 \page[disable] \to\EvenPage} \showframe \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\input{tufte}\par}\page \Figure{\externalfigure[dummy][factor=fit]} \dorecurse{4}{\input{knuth}\par}\page \Figure{\externalfigure[dummy][height=\textheight]} % \dorecurse{8}{\input{ward}\par} \stoptext