stream \nopdfcompression \startluacode local attr = lpdf.dictionary {}
Dear All, I am running Mac OS X 10.6.2, latest minimals luatex is beta-0.52.0-2010031913, Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 the fillowing file "test.tex" fails to compile with "context test.tex" \nopdfcompression \startluacode local attr = lpdf.dictionary {} pdf.immediateobj("streamfile","test.tex",attr()) -- pdf.immediateobj("stream","test.tex",attr()) \stopluacode \starttext \startTEXpage Test. \stopTEXpage \stoptext complaining MTXrun | fatal error: no return code, message: luatex: execution interrupted and producing PDF file test.pdf where, it seems, luatex has problems with file size. PDF file starts as follows (note empty Length) %PDF-1.6 some binary data 9 0 obj << /Length pdf.immediateobj("streamfile","test.tex",attr()) -- pdf.immediateobj("stream","test.tex",attr()) \stopluacode \starttext \startTEXpage Test. \stopTEXpage \stoptext binary garbage binary garbage ... The latest minimals under Mac OS X 10.5.8 running on PPC (luatex beta-0.52.0-2010031913, Mach-o executable ppc) have no such problem. Please, test it on your system. Does it work for you? Is something broken in my setup or we are to complain to developers/builders/investigate luatex workings ourselves? Sincerely, Michail PS. If I uncomment pdf.immediateobj("stream", and comment pdf.immediateobj("streamfile", things do work. PPS. The code above is a minimal test case, I am really revisiting 3D annotations.