29 Sep
29 Sep
8:05 p.m.
Am 28.09.2010 um 16:25 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
please see attached example:
If you run the file containing the columnset directly (chap_X) it runs fine.
The error message is misleading but after i copied everything in one file i found the culprit, there is a invalid character in your chap_X file you can see in this message: ! Missing } inserted. system > error on line 16 in file MyProduct.tex: Missing ... 6 7 \startcolumnset[INDEX] 8 9 one 10 11 \column 12 13 two 14 ^^L\stopcolumnset 15 16 >> \stopbodymatter 17 18 \stopproduct Remove the form feed between the two and \stopcolumnset and your document runs. Wolfgang