Yes! Finally! Thank you, Wolfgang! Am 13.11.22 um 13:17 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster via ntg-context:
Henning Hraban Ramm via ntg-context schrieb am 13.11.2022 um 11:37:
\definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.135mm * \noffigurepages/2)]
You can try \expanded{\definemeasure[SpineWidth][...]}
Yes, that works. I could have thought of that myself.
\definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.09mm * 1.5 * 90)] doesn’t work:
You can use integers to multiply or divide a length, a float is only allowed before a length. e.g. 1.5\scratchdimen or 1.5\dimexpr ...\relax
In your case you have to use
\definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.09mm * 3 * 90 / 2)]
\definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.09mm * 135)]
Ah, the float/int usage was the missing link. Now I can document my calculated cover for wiki, CG journal, my book, DTK... Hraban