On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 03:57:27PM -0500, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Tue, 11 Feb 2020, Rudolf Bahr wrote:
On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 07:38:54PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2/11/2020 6:26 PM, Rudolf Bahr wrote:
"whereis mtxrun" gives: ~/context-lmtx/bin/mtxrun.lua ~/context-lmtx/bin/mtxrun ~/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun.lua ~/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun i assume that you run the last one in this list, which is a copy of or link to the luametatex binary in the texmf-linux-64/bin path
Hans, thank you for your answer!
So I run explicitly the second one: ~/context-lmtx/bin/mtxrun --generate but I got the same error.
This is the wrong binary. As Hans said (and also what I wrote in my message) is that you have to run the one in ~/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/
Sorry, "~/context-lmtx/bin/mtxrun --generate" again resulted in: resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTOLOC' set to 'bin' resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTODIR' set to '.' resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTOPARENT' set to '..'
I would suggest that you run these commands from outside the ~/context-lmtx directory, so that the above variables show the full path rather than the relative path.
"mtxrun --generate" run outside the installation directory gets the same result: resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTOLOC' set to '/home/sam/context-lmtx/bin' resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTODIR' set to '/home/sam/context-lmtx' resolvers | resolving | variable 'SELFAUTOPARENT' set to '/home/sam' resolvers | resolving | variable 'TEXMFCNF' set to '' resolvers | resolving | variable 'TEXMF' set to '' resolvers | resolving | variable 'TEXOS' set to 'context-lmtx'
This shows that the wrong binary is being used. You are using the binary in /home/sam/context-lmtx/bin when you should use /home/sam/context-lmtx/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin.
Thanks to Hans and Aditya! Using the binaries in /context-lmtx/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/ instead of ~/context-lmtx/bin/mtxrun brings the awaited result! Remains the question why has it been possible to use the wrong binaries? How could a context user know where the "good" binaries reside? I put the PATH sequence of the official installation process as proposed into my PATH variable and was using "mtxrun". I shall eliminate the error causing context parts in my PATH variable. I'd suggest to correct the proposed completion of PATH variable at the end of the installation process. The knowledge about that has only been possible after a series of mails with Pablo, Hans and Aditya. Thanks again! Rudolf