Procházka Lukáš Ing.
20. Juli 2016 um 09:37

is there a way to tell ConTeXt "go to odd page, insert empty page to reach the next odd page" eventually?

    When currently on odd page, break page and insert one empty (blank) (= even) page; continue on the next (= odd) page.
    When currently on even page, break page (and do nothing more) (and continue on the next (= odd) page).

In the following example:

  Page 1
  Page 3

- \page[odd]: page 2 holds header and footer (unwanted)
- \page[odd,empty]: adds one page with header and footer (unwanted), then inserts an empty page (unwanted)
- \page[odd,header,footer] = \page[odd]
You need "\page[yes,header,footer,odd]".

  Page 1\page[yes,header,footer,odd]
 %Page 2
  Page 3\page
  Page 4\page[yes,header,footer,odd]
  Page 5

The keywords have the following effect:

  - yes: force a page break
  - header: sets \setupheader[state=emty] on the following page
  - footer: sets \setupfooter[state=empty] on the following page
  - odd: forces another pagebreak if the current page is even and resets the header/footer states
