On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 1:09 AM, Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2008-08-08 um 23:38 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Line 1741 of mtxrun contains a popen command to execute a system command; but even if I change that (e.g. printing the accessed variable before), the error stays at that line, so the message is probably wrong.
what mtxrun do you run ... you need to copy the file mtxrun.lua in the scripth path to mtxrun in the bin path
I copied the complete shell session to the previous mail: I.e. I get first-setup via rsync from the garden and run it; it fetches the bin dir and runs mtxrun from there, and that already fails.
This error occurrs at work on a Mac G5 (PPC) running OSX 10.4; ConTeXt is installed in /usr/local/ConTeXt. At home, on a Mac mini (Intel) running OSX 10.5, it works; here ConTeXt is installed in ~/Library/texmf. Both installations use the "garden way".
Thanks for the other hint about PPC. Can you please retry the installation? I had problems cross-compiling luatex, so it remained at an old version for quite some time. After the issue had been fixed, I still had a tiny bug in my scripts which prevented the new binaries to be uploaded. If others (FreeBSD) have problems - many people have problems with commiting files to the SVN repository. It seems to be some SVN version incompatibility issue, but I do not dare touching svn on the server. Mojca