Hola, I imagine this is probably simple but I can't find it... I want the first page only of each section to have particular content in header/footer, then all the following pages to different specific content. Right now, I am manually entering it in each section. I'm hoping there's a way to automate this; put it into the environment file for all sections. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! Mike Cooper Technical Trainer Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc. 2501 Juan Tabo NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Tel: (505) 293-6271 Fax: (505) 298-5294 Email: mike@murchisondrillingschools.commailto:mike@murchisondrillingschools.com Website: www.murchisondrillingschools.comhttp://www.murchisondrillingschools.com/ [cid:image007.jpg@01D03ADC.BD6E6850]https://www.facebook.com/pages/Murchison-Drilling-Schools/158018484232622 [cid:image008.jpg@01D03ADC.BD6E6850] http://www.linkedin.com/company/murchison-drilling-schools-inc- [cid:image009.jpg@01D03ADC.BD6E6850] https://twitter.com/trainingmds Murchison Drilling Schools is now part of [cid:image001.png@01D63515.857FD120]