On 2016-02-09 22:15:47 +0000, Nicola said:
I want to use OS X's Helvetica Neue Light in a document. How may I do that?
I have investigated the issue a bit more and it seems that I have a more fundamental problem with fonts. More specifically, I have tested the latest beta (ConTeXt 0.63 2016.02.08 15:35) and the TeX Live version (ConTeXt 0.61 2015.05.18 12:26), with inconsistent results. The beta is a fresh install, where I have only executed: sh ./first-setup.sh --modules=all --engine=luatex . ./tex/setuptex luatools --generate This is a selection of fonts that I have tried (the name is the name that I have used as an argument to \definefamily): Name Suffix TeXLive ConTeXt ConTeXt Beta --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baskerville .ttc OK OK Courier .dfont unknown font unknown font Geneva .dfont OK unknown font Helvetica .dfont OK unknown font Helvetica Neue .dfont Nearly OK(*) unknown font Helvetica Neue Desk Interface .ttc Nearly OK(*) Nearly OK(**) Hoefler .ttc unknown font unknown font Hoefler Text .ttc unknown font unknown font Hoefler Text Ornaments .ttc unknown font unknown font Menlo .ttc OK OK Monaco .dfont OK unknown font Optima .ttc OK OK Palatino .ttc OK OK Source Code Pro .otf OK Nearly OK(***) Times .dfont unknown font unknown font Times Roman .dfont unknown font unknown font (*) Instead of bold, bold italic is used (**) Instead of bold italic, bold is used (!) (***) Italic and bold italic are shown as regular and italic, resp. In general, I have no problems with .ttf and .otf fonts (with the exception of Source Code Pro, see the table).
From the above:
(1) I conclude that .dfont fonts are not dealt properly by ConTeXt, or that I am missing some configuration step. (2) I suspect that I also have a naming issue (e.g., see Hoefler and Times). This is what mtxrun gives me for Hoefler (for both ConTeXt versions): mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=hoefl* hoeflertext hoeflertextornaments /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text Ornaments.ttf hoeflertextblack hoeflertextblack /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text.ttc index: 2 hoeflertextblackitalic hoeflertextblackitalic /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text.ttc index: 4 hoeflertextitalic hoeflertextitalic /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text.ttc index: 3 hoeflertextnormal hoeflertextornaments /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text Ornaments.ttf hoeflertextornaments hoeflertextornaments /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text Ornaments.ttf hoeflertextregular hoeflertextregular /Library/Fonts/Hoefler Text.ttc index: 1 (3) I still don't now how to select, say, Helvetica Light or Avenir Black. For the record, in LuaLaTeX I use \setsansfont{Helvetica Neue Light}, and it works. The document I have used for the tests is pretty basic, but I paste it below for completeness. Nicola \definefontfamily [myfamily] [serif] [Some Font] %[style=Light] \setupbodyfont[myfamily] \starttext \scale[width=\textwidth]{\switchtobodyfont [6pt]\tf Regular, \it Italic \bf Bold and \bi BoldItalic} \scale[width=\textwidth]{\switchtobodyfont [8pt]\tf Regular, \it Italic \bf Bold and \bi BoldItalic} \scale[width=\textwidth]{\switchtobodyfont [10pt]\tf Regular, \it Italic \bf Bold and \bi BoldItalic} \scale[width=\textwidth]{\switchtobodyfont [12pt]\tf Regular, \it Italic \bf Bold and \bi BoldItalic} \scale[width=\textwidth]{\switchtobodyfont[17.3pt]\tf Regular, \it Italic \bf Bold and \bi BoldItalic} \stoptext