7 Jun
7 Jun
2:40 p.m.
On 06.06.2014 22:52, Hans Hagen wrote:
modules have names like
m- x- s- p- u-
and the lookup happens in a certain order without prefix, and checking for mkvi, mkiv, mkii or tex suffixes
so in your case it should be something
or so (user hvdm test)
so you were just lucky that in the past modules-* worked
the loading is probably ok because test.* is loaded
That new behavior breaks SimpleSlides however, because now the styles aren't loaded anymore. In the log I find (for example): resolvers > modules > 'simpleslides-s-BottomSquares' is already loaded So either this old behavior had it's upsides or SimpleSlides needs to be fixed :-) Best Regards, Andreas