Am 11.12.2013 um 13:31 schrieb Pavel Stupin
Thank you everyone for your help! Quite excited about having so much for me to learn. This mailing list is immensely helpful indeed. So, both solutions worked for me, but I've decided to stick to the one that uses comma separated list having adapted to my needs the code kindly offered by Wolfgang (it would take me a while to figure out the solution myself).
When you process a comma list you can also loop over the entries in the list which is faster than accessing each entry of the list one by one (I change in the example to natural tables because tabulate can’t be used in this way): \def\Test {\dosingleargument\doTest} \def\doTest[#1]% {\newcounter\TestCounter \bTABLE \processcommalist[#1]\dodoTest \eTABLE} \def\dodoTest#1% {\doglobal\increment\TestCounter \bTR \expanded{\bTD \TestCounter \eTD} \bTD #1 \eTD \eTR} \starttext \Test[First row,Second row] \stoptext Wolfgang