Floris van Manen schrieb am 03.05.2020 um 18:24:
I noticed that the same font test with the same lmtx versions on two different linux machines with the same ibmplex fonts installed, return a different rendering for the bold-italic. That is only one produces the italics, the other doesn't.
I guess that is an example of true software magic, or yet another evidence that one observation will invert the result of the other ;-)
Even with this example: \definefontfamily [mainface] [rm] [IBM Plex Serif] %\definefontfamily [mainface] [rm] [IBM Plex Serif] % [tf=file:ibmplexserifthin, % it=file:ibmplexserifthinitalic, % bf=file:ibmplexserifregular, % bi=file:ibmplexserifitalic] \definefontfamily [mainface] [ss] [IBM Plex Sans] %\definefontfamily [mainface] [ss] [IBM Plex Sans] % [tf=file:ibmplexsansthin, % it=file:ibmplexsansthinitalic, % bf=file:ibmplexsansregular, % bi=file:ibmplexsansitalic] %\definefontfamily [mainface] [tt] [IBM Plex Mono] [features=none] \definefontfamily [mainface] [tt] [IBM Plex Mono] [features=none, tf=file:ibmplexmonothin, it=file:ibmplexmonothinitalic, bf=file:ibmplexmonoregular, bi=file:ibmplexmonoitalic] \definefontfamily [mainface] [mm] [TeX Gyre Bonum Math] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \starttext \rm \tf Regular, \it Italic, \bf Bold and \bi Bolditalic \ss \tf Regular, \it Italic, \bf Bold and \bi Bolditalic \tt \tf Regular, \it Italic, \bf Bold and \bi Bolditalic \stoptext Wolfgang