On 31 Jul 2016, at 21:06 , Hans Hagen
On 7/31/2016 12:57 PM, Robert Blackstone wrote:
Dear all,
In the setupfile of my project I have \mainlanguage[en]. The font used is Verdana. With mkiv versions till october 2015 the hyphenation of English words was always correct.
The same files compiled with mkiv of july 2016 (version 2016.07.18 16;26) give hyphenations that are definitely wrong. Some examples: begi-nning, pr-ocedure, adequ-ately, st-yle
I made some tests with Linux Libertine sans and here also the earlier mkiv's gave correct hyphenations, the july version wrong ones.
So it seems that ref. hyphenation something is wrong with this mkiv-version. Or do I now have to use something other than \mainlanguage[en] ?
no example so no solution
Hi Hans, Here is an example: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \mainlanguage[en] \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[Verdana] \setupbodyfont[10pt] \contextversion \showgrid \starttext \input knuth \medskip \input tufte \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% With mkiv version 2015.10.09 21:28 there are no hyphenation errors. With mkiv version 2016.07.18 16:46 the following errors occur: wo-uld (line 6), synth-esize (line 13), enum-erate (line 18) I mentioned some more errors in my original mail, see above. Best regards, Robert Blackstone