2009/11/22 Bernhard Rosensteiner
Hello all,
now i only have attached the .log and .tex (minimal example) files (first i attached the .otf font too). My problem with the otf font loading still exists (even after completely removing the old minimals and uptating via first-setup.sh). All my documents compile normal but the fonts are not visible (in one document i can see some strange numbers...predominantly 9) no matter what otf font i use (all my fonts are located in /Users/bernhardrosensteiner/Library/Fonts). All graphic related stuff works normal even the defined position on the paper is right. Fallback fonts (normal cmr) works (when i out-comment the \definefont line in my minimal example). I have Mac OS X 10.6.
You can try \definefont[TitleFont][name:GaramondPremrPro-Disp at 30pt] -- Best regards, Li Yanrui