On Oct 3, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
indeed, and in a nice obscure way ...
\def\Test#1% {\vbox{{\bf#1}\blank\placeregister[index][language=cz,n=1,method={#1}]}\blank}
wanted result: oá öb Oč Öď Oo Öo oo öo Öq öř Oš oů \blank
\startcolumns[n=3] \Test{mc,mm,uc} \Test{mc,zm,uc} \Test{mc,pm,uc} \Test{zc,mm,uc} \Test{zc,zm,uc} \Test{zc,pm,uc} \Test{pc,mm,uc} \Test{pc,zm,uc} \Test{pc,pm,uc} \stopcolumns
wanted result: oá öb Oč Öď Oo Öo oo öo Öq öř Oš oů \blank
\startcolumns[n=3] \Test{mm,mc,uc} \Test{zm,mc,uc} \Test{pm,mc,uc} \Test{mm,zc,uc} \Test{zm,zc,uc} \Test{pm,zc,uc} \Test{mm,pc,uc} \Test{zm,pc,uc} \Test{pm,pc,uc} \stopcolumns
\dorecurse {2} { \page \recurselevel: \index{oá} \index{öb} \index{Oč} \index{Öď} \index{oo} \index{öo} \index{Oo} \index{Öo} \index{Öq} \index{öř} \index{Oš} \index{oů} done }
Give me a chance to understand :-) I tried looking in sort-ini.lua, but I couldn't figure out what the different methods meant. What do the abbreviations stand for? Also, I seem to obtain the desired case-insensitive sorting with method=zm,pc,uc but I also get spurious empty lines in the index. I'll try and come up with a minimal example.
2. Is it really a good idea to make case-sensitive sorting the default in English? I can't remember seeing a single academic book in English that has this sort of index sorting.
Currently Jano and I are figuring out some details (as Jano does the testing with more complex multilingual indices).
I have no preferece ... we can configure each language independently using the method key in the entries in sort-lan.lua As I seldom consult an index I have no clue what to expect or default to so feel free to tell me what the defaults should be. We now have predefined:
local predefinedmethods = { [variables.before] = "mm,mc,uc", [variables.after] = "pm,mc,uc", [variables.first] = "pc,mm,uc", [variables.last] = "mc,mm,uc", }
Hmm, if this is easy to configure, it doesn't make much of a difference. Just as a default, for English and German, I would suggest having no case-sensitivity. In German, umlauts are somewhat contentious, but nowadays, most people would sort them just like normal letters. But this is something that others on the list or on the wiki should express their opinion on. THanks, and all best Thomas