Am 22.05.2014 um 11:02 schrieb Otared Kavian
Thanks Mikael! That’s it: the real name of palatino in mkiv is TeX Gyre Pagella, and in math mode one has to use TeX Gyre Pagella Math… I am going to update the page on the wiki about calligraphic math.
Another question (maybe Wolfgang has more to say about it): is the word « mainface » is a mandatory name for the font family which is defined? Because if I change it to « MyMainFace » then mkiv reports an error:
Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set
It doesn’t matter which name you use for the typeface but all styles (serif, sans, math etc.) need the same name for the first argument of \definefontfamily. \definefontfamily [typefaceone] [serif] [Latin Modern Roman] \definefontfamily [typefaceone] [math] [Latin Modern Math] \definefontfamily [typefacetwo] [serif] [TeX Gyre Pagella] \definefontfamily [typefacetwo] [math] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math] \setupbodyfont[typefacetwo] \starttext \input knuth \setupbodyfont[typefaceone] \input knuth \stoptext Wolfgang