This is what I did:
sh ./first-setup.sh --context=2016.1.4 --all . ~/Context/tex/setuptex Setting "/home/rmason/Context/tex" as ConTeXt root.
cd to the directory containing my document, then
context document.tex
resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' resolvers | globbing | confusing filename, name: 'README.txt', lower: 'readme.txt', already: 'ReadMe.txt' mtxrun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua'
Dear Roger Mason, I also had a similar problem recently after installing texlive 2017. But it is resolved now by doing the following according to the suggestions: run mtxrun —generate and luatools —generate May be, “ luatools —generate" is OK. I am using TeXshop in OS X. So I am not sure this works in Linux system. I hope that it may help. Good luck! Best regards, Dalyoung