On Friday, November 29, 2002, at 06:30 AM, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Thursday, November 28, 2002 Bruce D'Arcus wrote: BDA> On Thursday, November 28, 2002, at 02:47 PM, Simon Pepping wrote:
Is there a higher level Context construct that would be appropriate here?
BDA> And shouldn't we have an epigraph environment Hans? ;-)
You can use the xdesc module I developed to define a very flexible epigraph environment (i.e. one which also allows you to have a "list of epigraphs" etc).
"You" in this context is me, as an individual? The issue I have here (and it may well not be an issue, since I'm not sure I grasp every detail) is the one I mentioned last week: If we are going to be able to have elegant and flexible typesetting of DocBook files, shouldn't DocBook structures like epigraph be in the core? Simon shouldn't have to generate lower-level code for these sort of things (the meta info stuff as well) with his project, because it then becomes more difficult for the user to customize output (and for him to maintain the code?). Or am I missing something? Bruce