Hi list, I typeset my first project with ConTeXt, a small booklet with some chapters, frontmatter, no headers, but pagenumbers in the middle of the footers. I use two environment files. The text is split into component TeX-files. All is structured by a project and a product file. Now I have run in some problems, I couldn’t solve with the garden and the archives of this and stackexchange’s list. But I’m sure that it is almost too simple for you experts. Let’s start with one. As intended, a new chapter starts on a right/odd page. If the chapter before ends on a right page, too, there should be a blank left/even page. But in my case there is the pagenumber in the footer – which looks more horrible than an orphan line. A. Which setting in which setup or definition gives a command like: suppress/skip/hide the header, footer and margin of last page of a chapter, if the text area is empty. B. More elaborate, a set of commands could – distinguish between headers, footers, an margins and – extend the commands on those pages at the end of the chapters – that do not show any text within the last line of the text area, i. e. the very last page of a chapter (even, but whith some text) – or the second last page (odd, with some text, before a complete blank even page). A book design according to (A) is standard. I’m sure there is a solution in ConTeXt. (B) can be found often, at least in books from pre-computer times. Ralf