On 7/30/21 11:57 PM, Michal Vlasák via ntg-context wrote:
On Fri Jul 30, 2021 at 8:53 PM CEST, Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context wrote:
[...] Although I don’t read Czech, just out of curiosity, is your bachelor thesis available on the net, Michal? Thanks to theses.cz, I found https://is.muni.cz/th/t8qpp/DP_Vlasak_Michal_2015.pdf (only a name coincidence, I guess).
Sorry, should have shared the link at the first place.
Many thanks for your fast reply and the link to your thesis, Michal.
[...] Is there no way to have the video as an embedded file in the PDF document? (I mean, that the file is listed when the attachment panel is displayed.)
Currently, only attachments are added as "embedded files" (either as "hidden", ending up in /EmbeddedFiles, or as "annotation" ending up as /FileAttachment annotation).
Maybe "codeinjections.embedfile" can have the option to force the reference, so that the file also ends up in /EmbeddedFiles? Should it be default for all \externalrenderings? [...] --- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/lpdf-wid.lmt +++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/lpdf-wid.lmt [...]
Many thanks for the patch. It would be also great to have an option not to list some files as embedded (adding a option "list" to "\useexternalrendering" such as in "\useexternalrendering[myvideo][video/mp4][video.mp4][embed=yes, list=no]"). Being the default to yes, I’m thinking of cases where there is a risk distributing the multimedia file without the embedding document, because of the lack of context (no pun indented) Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk