3 Nov
3 Nov
9:31 p.m.
On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:09 PM, Bowen Alan C. wrote:
In MKII (with the latest MKIV),
“!” no longer seems to produce underdots (sublinear dots).
\usemodule[ancientgreek] [font=GreekDioxipe,scale=1.15,altfont=GreekCanonica,altscale=0.9]
\starttext \localgrk{>a!n!'h!r}
This has never worked with this particular font because it doesn't have a sublinear dot. I get the expected output with a font which does have it, e.g. GreekGentium. (Btw, localgrk is not a know command.)
One can work around this this \d{\grk{...}}, but ...
And is there a command or key for producing diareseis in Greek, again, using MKII?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. These all work for me: \localgreek{"'i "i "`i}. Thomas