On Mon, 2 May 2011, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 02.05.2011 um 18:19 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
Why does verbatim text not line break properly.
\setuppapersize[A5] \showframe
\starttext % hyphenate is not the right word here; but illustrates the problem
\type{a very very long line to see if it hyphenates or not, that can require a lot oftyping phew}. \stoptext
You can get a better result with “\setuptype[space=stretch]” but only the “stretch” keyword for \setupalign/\setuptolerance prevents a overfull line in your example.
Thanks. I was looking for space=stretch (I did not want to change the global tolerance)
Also, it is possible to completely prevent line breaks for \type.
You can also put the text in a \hbox with “\setuptype[command=\hbox]”. The command key from \setuptype is special because it accepts only box commands (\hbox, \vbox, \framed …).
I don't see why that is the case. Looking at the code, it appears that any option for command should work (that is not reset by \tf\tt). For example, command=\underbar works as expected. Aditya