hi i have the following metapost picture: beginfig(2); path c; pair A, B; c := fullcircle scaled 2 cm; A := (origin--(3cm,2cm)) intersectionpoint subpath (0,2) of c; B := (origin--(-5cm,1cm)) intersectionpoint subpath (2,4) of c; draw c; draw origin--B; draw origin--A; endfig; how can I cut the the part of the path c between A and B, so that the result is like a cheese :) i made: path t; t := saucer cutafter A; c := c cutbefore B; now c and t is that what i want, but i it possible to cominte these two paths to one path. I think there is a more elegant way to do that...somethink like "subpath (B,A) of c" thanks for help severin -- +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More! +++ Getestet von Stiftung Warentest: GMX FreeMail (GUT), GMX ProMail (GUT) (Heft 9/03 - 23 e-mail-Tarife: 6 gut, 12 befriedigend, 5 ausreichend) Jetzt selbst kostenlos testen: http://www.gmx.net