I just tried to import the fontloader from 2019-01-03 into latex, and get on a simple document the error (./test-utf8.aux)error: ...ad/texmf/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-2019-01-03.lua:23868: attempt to call upvalue 'getdirection' (a nil value) . \newpage ...k \@nobreakfalse \everypar {}\fi \par \ifdim \prevdepth
\z@ \vs...
l.51 \end{document} I have no idea (yet) if this is latex specific or if it could affect context too but thought I better mention it. The line refers to this part of the code: pardirstate=function(start) local nxt=getnext(start) local dir=getdirection(start) --<-- if dir==lefttoright then return nxt,1,1 -- Ulrike Fischer https://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/