On 19 Dec 2023, at 17:48, Henning Hraban Ramm
wrote: Am 19.12.23 um 18:29 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context:
Hi Hraban and Taco, the install-modules script doesn’t allow .tar.gz as compression format to install modules. .tar.gz seems to be the compression format offered for modules that are uploaded using a git URL. Hraban explained in August that the server could be configured to get .zip compression for modules in git checkout. Sorry, I know that you are both very busy, but could it be this issue fixed?
I looked at the code and don’t understand enough of it… (it’s old Perl CGI code). There are more changes that I’d like to do (e.g. add more licenses – needs db access).
Using git to upload module versions is way more easy than uploading .zip files.
I agree.
The Github API for retrieving a 'zipball' is documented here https://docs.github.com/en/rest/repos/contents?apiVersion=2022-11-28#downloa... The explanation of the allowed options is a little terse but, basically, a URL of the form https://api.github.com/repos/{OWNER}/{REPO}/zipball https://api.github.com/repos/%7BOWNER%7D/%7BREPO%7D/zipball should be sufficient to result in a zipped download of the repository named {REPO} owned by {OWNER}. You can test manually from a Unix/Linux command line using the command: $ curl -L https://api.github.com/repos/{OWNER}/{REPO}/zipball https://api.github.com/repos/%7BOWNER%7D/%7BREPO%7D/zipball > results.zip If the existing Perl CGI uses a curl command like this then it may simply be enough for Pablo to specify a suitably formatted Github URL. Note that the -L is necessary because the Github API generates a temporary, time-limited URL and redirects to it by returning a 302 response code. Regards, — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK