I have a large PDF with mostly vector and a bit of pixel graphics. It is in two colours only (the pixels are either one colour or the other, no dithering). I want to create a new PDF of a segment of the larger PDF (bottom left corner), where vector is maximally preserved, and where one colour is replaced by 100% transparency. I was wondering if that is doable by using LMTX instead of trying to do this with some GUI app. Thanks, Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda, Mastodon https://newsie.social/@gctwnl) R&A IT Strategy https://ea.rna.nl/ (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ Book: Mastering ArchiMate https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/ YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/@GerbenWierda